Measurement & Evaluation
Neuropsychological assessment of the child is essential for detection of problems or neurodevelopmental delays. Research has demonstrated that the earlier delays are identified, the earlier appropriate interventions can be provided and the more likely the delay can be mitigated so that the child can progress on par with their peers.
There are little to no early childhood development (ECD) assessment data in the Caribbean and developing tropical regions globally. This lack of data leaves educators, researchers, and clinicians without a frame of reference as to what is “normal” ECD in these regions.
The CCCN carries out neurodevelopmental assessment of young children (0-8) in association with surveillance and intervention studies. We also assess home and school  environments and the caregivers – parents and teachers – who establish those environments. Since 2014, the CCCN has been building Caribbean-based capacity for neuropsychological assessments. The assessment team is adept at not only measuring cognition, motor, language, and social/emotional domains in young children, but also in the development of new assessment tools across various domains of functioning. There is consensus among neuropsychological assessment professionals that it is crucial to use measurement tools that are culturally appropriate in order to draw meaningful conclusions from the assessment data. The team draws on years of assessment experience combined with in-depth knowledge of regional society and culture to evaluate and adapt measures most suitable for use in the region.
Assessment is a critical component of the child development interventions implemented by the CCCN to improve brain development in children. Without careful tracking of ECD, it is impossible to know if the interventions are having a positive impact. To ensure our research aligns with the priorities of the communities with whom we partner, we follow the principles of Measurement for Change.

WINDREF, St. George’s University campus,
True Blue, Grenada, West Indies


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